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Grand Jury Duty


Inside the Grand Jury: A Deep Dive into Its Role and Function

Understanding the Grand Jury's Unique Role

A grand jury is a unique legal entity composed of ordinary citizens who play a critical role in the criminal justice system. Unlike a trial jury, which is responsible for determining guilt or innocence, a grand jury's primary purpose is to investigate potential criminal charges.

Investigative Powers and Screening Indictments

Grand juries possess extensive investigative powers, including subpoenaing witnesses, documents, and evidence. They analyze evidence and hear testimony to determine whether there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. If they find sufficient evidence, they may issue an indictment, which officially charges an individual with a crime.

Secrecy and Duration

Grand jury proceedings are generally conducted in secret, protecting the privacy of those involved and preventing potential suspects from tampering with evidence or witnesses. Grand jurors typically serve for several months but may only need to physically attend court for a few days each month.

Rare Use in Criminal Cases

The United States and Liberia are the only two jurisdictions that still utilize grand juries to screen criminal indictments. In most other countries, this function is typically performed by prosecutors or other judicial officials.

Law Office Of Joseph Abrams
